
The purpose of this blog is to complete the following exercise:
Hands-On Exercise:  1. Create a blog to document your learning experiences as you study Web development....Your blog could be a place to note Web sites that you find useful or interesting. You might report on sites that contain useful Web design resources. You might describe sites that have interesting features, such as compelling graphics or easy to use navigation....After you begin to develop your own sites, you could include the URLs and reasons for your design decisions." 
from the textbook, Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML, Fifth Edition, by Terry Felke-Morris. Published by Addison-Wesley. Copyright © 2011 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Having shared that, information contained on this web site is a combination of my class notes taken from the texts  on the "Textbooks Used" page, as well as readings, required and not, for class and personal purposes.   The focus of this blog is to share my experience as a Web Desgin student, as well as a place for me to keep materials useful for my Web Design educational experience as an enrolled student of University of Phoenix.

If you happen to notice that the blog's posting dates are a bit weird, or out of sync, there is a reason for that. I altered the dates once the class was completed for purely artistic and editorial reasons.  After the class ended, I changed posting dates so that visitors could read the blog from beginning to end.  If posted according to original post date, the blog starts at the end.  
**http://webdesign236.blogspot.com/** **** ** **