First Course in Web Development: Web Development and Design Foundations with XHTML is the perfect textbook for your first semester web development course. This book provides a foundation in skills and concepts that web developers need:
Internet Concepts: XHTML CSS Text Configuration
CSS Color Configuration Web Design Best Practices
CSS Page Layout Web Media and Interactivity
Web Site Promotion Web Development Process
Choosing a Web Host E-Commerce Overview JavaScript Introduction
Author: Terry Felke Morris
The ultimate guide to Web site design,
Principles of Web Design, Fourth Edition
leads you through the entire Web site creation process, from start to finish, while developing and enhancing your HTML, CSS, and visual design skills along the way. You'll begin by learning about the Web design environment and the principles of sound Web design, continue to planning site layout and navigation, and progress to Web typography, colors and images, working with CSS, and more. Updated to include the latest Web design technologies and trends, this Fourth Edition features all-new sections on Web accessibility, standards-based coding, and CSS positioning, as well as technical updates and new screen shots throughout. Armed with valuable knowledge and plenty of hands-on activities, you will gain a solid understanding of designing successful, standards-based Web sites that are portable across different operating systems, browsers, and connection speeds. By Joël Sklar - ISBN 1423901940
Principles of Web Design, Fourth Edition
leads you through the entire Web site creation process, from start to finish, while developing and enhancing your HTML, CSS, and visual design skills along the way. You'll begin by learning about the Web design environment and the principles of sound Web design, continue to planning site layout and navigation, and progress to Web typography, colors and images, working with CSS, and more. Updated to include the latest Web design technologies and trends, this Fourth Edition features all-new sections on Web accessibility, standards-based coding, and CSS positioning, as well as technical updates and new screen shots throughout. Armed with valuable knowledge and plenty of hands-on activities, you will gain a solid understanding of designing successful, standards-based Web sites that are portable across different operating systems, browsers, and connection speeds. By Joël Sklar - ISBN 1423901940
Discovered Resources:
Automated Testing Tools and Validators:
Web authoring tools for Web Design projects have some built-in site reporting and testing features. Web authoring applications such as Adobe Dreamweaver and Microsoft Expression Web provide functions such as spell checks, link checks, and load time calculations. Each application has unique features, such as: link checking, accessibility, and code validation.
Testing tools that offer additional features such as spelling, browser compatibility, page load time, and broken-link checking are available from, among others. For a partial list, visit
Some other automated testing tools and validators that are available are:
( The W3C Markup Validation Service can be used to validate both HTML and XHTML.
( Test CSS for proper syntax using the W3C CSS Validation Service
( Analyze the download speed of your page using the Web Page Analyzer Offers cross-browser testing from Adobe.
Web Style Guide book:
No-cost alternative to Adobe Dreamweaver is Aptana Studio which is available at
Jakob Neilsen on Usability and Web Design.