
Web Design Tools

web design


Good Web Design in One Phrase

"As I have been learning about web design and it's related topics, especially SEO, I have learned to distinguish sites that try to do it all. Meaning they apply every tip suggested to a site, and it ends up looking bad all over. As I have been learning, the phrase that comes to my mind repeatedly is "simple elegance".

Have you ever noticed that simple and elegance often are termed together? What makes an item elegant is the use of high quality elements and classic style lines and using decorative elements economically. For that reason, I keep thinking that phrase is good way to encapsulate good web design: use high quality elements, classic style lines, and do it in moderation."  © Debra Contreras ©
This is a visual of how I interpret "simple elegance":
Fabric is unadorned, but lush.
Color scheme is monochromatic but dramatically interesting.
Shape elements are balanced: figure and fabric are curved lines; all other lines are straight, angular
Negavtive space is effectively utilized, balancing complete space of picture plane.
Overall Effect is harmonious: no clashing elements.


Four Days Before Class Starts

I've checked out the "Materials" page, and read through the introductory information.  We are starting with five chapters in week one: lots of information to get through this week. 
**http://webdesign236.blogspot.com/** **** ** **