1. Browse the Web and find a site you like. Write a brief statement of the Web site’s goals.
2. Browse the Web and find Web sites that fit the following content types:
a. Billboard b. Publishing c. Special interest d. Product support
Write a short summary of how the content is presented in each Web site and describe how each site focuses on its users’ needs.
3. Browse the Web and find a site that does not contain a user survey form. Write a 10- to 15-question user survey that you would use on the site. Tailor the questions to the site’s content and goals.
4. Find a billboard-type Web site. Write an analysis of the site that includes functions and features you would add to extend the site’s effectiveness for its users.
5. Visit www.winzip.com and download the latest version of WinZip. If you have a Mac, visit http://www.aladdinsys.com/ and download the shareware version of Stuffit. Practice using the software to archive and compress multiple files into a single file.
6. Browse the Web to find examples of the following site structures and describe how the content fits the structure. Think about how the chosen structure adds to or detracts from the effectiveness and ease of navigation of the site. Determine whether the site provides sufficient navigation information. Print examples from the site and indicate where the site structure and navigation information is available to the user.
a. Linear b. Hierarchical
7. Browse the Web to find a site that uses more than one structure type and describe why you
think the site’s content benefits from multiple structures. Consider the same questions as in
Project 3-6.
8. Are there other structure types that are not described in this chapter? Find a site that illustrates
a different structure content. Create a flowchart for the site and determine how it benefits from
the different structure type.
9. Write a test plan for your Web site.
a. Create a section for each design variable.
b. Spell out the exact steps of the test and the different variables to be tested. State explicitly
which browsers and version should be used, and on which operating system. Detail the
different screen resolutions and connection speeds. List the exact pages that should be
c. Walk through the test procedure to test its validity.
10. Write a sample user feedback questionnaire.
Hands-On Projects
11. Write a maintenance plan for your Web site.
a. Include a schedule of content updates for the different sections of the Web site.
b. Include a schedule of design reviews.
c. Plan for link maintenance.
Individual Case Project
Write a site specification for the site you defined in Chapters 1 and 2. Include as much information
as possible from the project proposal you completed at the end of Chapter 1. Make sure to
include a mission statement. Determine how you will measure the site’s success in meeting its
goals. Include a description of the intended audience. Describe how you will assess user satisfaction
with the site. Include technological issues that may influence the site’s development or function.
Prepare a detailed flowchart for your site using the preliminary flowchart you created at the end
of Chapter 2. Create a filename for each page that matches the ISO 9660 standard. Indicate all
links between pages. Write a short summary that describes the flowchart. Describe why you chose
the particular structure, how it suits your content, and how it benefits the user.
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