
Chapter 5 Review Questions: Working with Tables

1. Name three print-based design structures that Web designers can duplicate with tables.

2. What are the three basic table elements?

3. What table element presents its content as bold and centered?

4. What attribute can you use with the {caption} element?

5. What are the three levels of table structure?

6. What attribute would you use to adjust spacing between table cells?

7. What attribute would you use to adjust spacing within table cells?

8. In the following code, which attribute takes precedence?

{tr valign="top"}{td valign="middle">Cell 1{/td}

{td}Cell 2{/td}{/tr}

9. What elements let you apply styles to table columns?

10. What value should colspan equal in the following code?


{tr}{td}R2C1{/td}{td colspan= {R2C2}{/td}{/tr}

11. Write the code for a table that fills 75% of the browser window.

12. What is the major disadvantage of relative-width tables?

13. Write the code to remove the default spacing from a table.

14. Why would you want to remove the default spacing from a table?

15. How do extra character spaces affect a table?

16. What is the best way to center a table?

17. What are the benefits of stacking tables?

18. What are two rules for setting column widths in a table?

19. What attribute lets you align content to the top of a cell?

20. What is the difference between removing the border attribute and setting border="0"?

HTML Tables Overview

HTML Table Coding

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