
Week 5 DQ 1

Week 5 – DQ 1 Thursday, June 10, 2010 According to Bonson-Ponte, et al (2008), identify the criteria that most influence the quality of navigability of a company’s website. What benefits are derived from designing a website that is easy for users to navigate?

According to the study by Bonson-Ponte, et al (2008), the criteria used to study the quality of corporate web sites were based on: content, presentation and ease of navigation (navigability). Overall, the biggest factor influencing the quality of sites was the size of the corporation behind the site. The assumption is that larger corporations have the resources available to create a site that is higher in all aspects than those lacking resources.

The study defined content as the amount of information that users can directly find on the web site. Navigation is defined by the facilities for information access and ease of moving throughout the site. Presentation is defined by the how the content and the navigation facilities are presented to the user. Quality webpages have an excellent level of content that is presented in a user-friendly way. It should also optimise the facility for users to navigate within the site.

Web site quality that is not based on content is catergorized as "accessibility", and is partly dependent upont the technical adequacy of the end-user ([1] Adalwani and Palvia, 2002). Accessiblity is defined by WC3, who sets industry standards, as anything that "affect access to the Web, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities". Technical adequacy refers to the abilities of the end-user to navigate site content. Being able to quantify these qualities as perceived by the user is a growing activity of great importance by anyone concerned with business, including governments. Additionally, it is important as legislation is passed regulating web site uses. The end goal of such research is the creation of sites that are accessible to the widest range of end-users possible.

García-Borbolla et al. (2005) classified three types of strategy that an entity may adopt when it sets up its corporate web site, distinguishing among ornamental, informational and relational web presence. Web sites that focus on relational web presence typically rate higher in quality, followed by informational, and finally, ornamental. Web sites that focus on developing and maintaining relationships with web visitors consistently have higher quality sites, based on the criteria listed above. Informational sites rate second, and are sites designed to share information but not necessarily designed to interact with visitors. Third in quality ranking are sites termed "ornamental", meaning they want a web prescence, but the site lacks functionality of any type.

Creating web sites that are accessible to the widest variety of end-users is beneficial beyond increasing the customer base of a businesss.  Legistation, such as Section 508 legislation creates legislation that demands it.  In essence, this legislation requires that which requires that "individuals with disabilities, who are members of the public seeking information or services from a federal agency, have access to and use of information and data that is comparable to that provided to the public who are not individuals with disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the agency".

Some examples of lawsuits regarding web site accesssiblity are:

The National Federation for the Blind (NFB) against America Online (AOL) after AOL failed to alter its inaccessible software to allow compatibility with screen readers (1999).

In April 2000, the National Federation for the Blind (NFB) filed an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit against the Connecticut Attorney General's Office, which provided links to four inaccessible online tax filing services on its Internal Revenue Service's official Web site.

Web design is more than developing a technologically advanced site.  It requires sensitivity to those accessing a site, ensuring a pleasant end-user experience.While legislation of web sites are not universal, or consistantly required, businesses who comply are one step ahead of those who disregard such legislation. 

Debra Contreras:
"As you meet your brain, you will realize your infinite value, and become an 'artist of life.'
Then you can create new values, a new culture, and a new world." Ilchi Lee

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